The Authentic Blarney Luckstone.
Your very own piece of Irish Luck.
For centuries countless people have travelled from the four corners of the world to kiss the Blarney stone and be enriched by it's mystical powers of eloquence, luck and good fortune.
From the same quarry, through the mists of time comes this piece of Blarney stone.
Kiss the Blarney Stone and release it's magic. Local tradition in Blarney identifies a limestone quarry on Starch Hill in the townland of Killard as the source of stone used in Blarney Castle, including the Blarney Stone.
The lithology of the Blarney Stone and that of the limestone in the Starch Hill quarry are indistinguishable : they are both cleaved Lower Carboniferous (Mississipian) biomicrite; a pale grey, massive Waulsortian "Reef" limestone.
The dimensions of Starch Hill quarry and estimated tonnage of limestone removed confirm that it is more than adequate to have supplied the volume of stone required to construct the Blarney Castle.
The Gift of The Gab.
This item is NOT a Toy - keep away from Children. Your Blarney Luckstone will be packaged securely for shipping.